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ASprite.NET Version



Public Sub DrawSetTextColor(Red as Byte, Green as Byte, Blue as Byte)

  • Red - The Red value of the Color (0 to 255)

  • Blue - The Blue value of the Color (0 to 255)

  • Green - The Green value of the Color (0 to 255)

Public Sub DrawSetTextColor(clrDraw as System.Drawing.Color)

  • clrDraw - The color defined as a System.Drawing.Color.  This allows you to set the text color equal to another object's color.

Comments:  Use the DrawSetDrawColor method to set the color used when drawing Lines, Rectangles, or Ellipses.



GameWindow1.DrawSetTextColor(0, 0, 0) 'Set color to Black using RGB

GameWindow1.DrawSetTextColor(Color.Teal) 'Set the color to Teal

GameWindow1.DrawSetDrawColor(Me.ForeColor) 'Set the color of the text to the foreground color of your form